Thursday, May 23, 2013

the S.I.S. (Social Immune System)

This is an edit of a post I made on an older blog, but I found it's relevance hasn't diminished.
Society, specifically western society, has evolved to kill you if you do not participate in it in a way that adds to it's growth and success efficiently and in a manner that it 'desires'.
Oh, it's subtle about it, and it's unspoken, so no one can warn you that it's about to happen. If too many people knew, it's effectiveness at getting rid of the undesirables would be compromised.
A simple example: If you don't do your taxes, you can't get medicare.
If you don't have medicare, you're more likely to suffer from illness longer, and therefore more likely to die.
Without an income, you cannot afford a place to live, which increases the stress on your body, which leads to a greater chance of death.
If you appear as an 'outsider' you will be less likely to receive aid from citizens, and therefore more likely to die.
Less work is done to investigate and prevent crimes committed on 'outsiders' which increases the probability of death, etc...

Members of society will also tend to resent you if you do not participate in the pre-approved methods. Resentment tends to manifest in passive methods of pushing people to the outskirts. Such as getting dropped to the bottom of waiting lists, or refused service at businesses. Things like that will increase the likelihood of not getting healthy food, or medicine in a timely manner, etc... all those add some percentiles on to the chances of dying earlier.
And resentment is especially strong in those that seem to be 'making it' in ways which are not 'sanctioned' by society. Look at how marginalized prostitution and illegal drug distribution are.
So try to remember this the next time you refuse to help someone, or even ignore/avoid someone, because you find them unsavoury, or a 'Damned Hipster', or whatever your personal disliked group. You are pushing them one step closer to the edge.
You are acting as a sleeper agent for the status quo.
This may sound a bit like whining about how the world is out to get me, etc... But as a suicidal rock god once said, “Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you”.

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