Tuesday, July 16, 2013

TRON: Gemini

I keep thinking about Tron: Legacy, and about doubles.
The entire movie seemed to be about the concept of the double.
You have the obvious, Kevin Flynn creating Clu in hi own image. And the slightly less obvious, but still out in the open of Rinzler/Tron, with his two disks and dual nature. But then you have the concept of the discs everyone has on their backs, having a record of the sum total of their life and experiences. 
It's a sort of Akashic Double, or informational double. And the disc can be accessed, the information changed, and the person/program/Iso can be altered.
 Plus, you've got the owner of the “End of Line” club who, not only has a dual identity, but also Has the Name “Castor”, as in “Castor & Pollux”, otherwise known as “Gemini”.

It also seems to show that Kevin Flynn could only see his faults through the creation of a flawed double of himself (Clu/Demiurge).

Other numbers seem important as well. I'm not sure if it's tangentially related to the emphasis on doubles or not.
For instance you have the holy trinity of tha Father, the Son, and the 'Holy Ghost' of Quorra. She is one of the “Iso's” who were emergent phenomenon that came seemingly from nowhere (Ghost like) and were repeatedly called “the miracle” by Kevin Flynn (holy).

You also have five show up as an important number with Clu, Rinzler, Jarvis, and two black guards.

I'm still not sure of the exact meaning behind the doubling and twinning, aside from the obvious reference to duality. But there's something deeper there, tugging at the edges of my mind.

This post might seem a little less well written than my others, and slightly scattered, but I felt I needed to get these ideas down while they were still somewhat fresh in my mind.  It's all still rolling about in mt mind, and I'll be writing
a follow up post once it congeals.

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