Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Active Dreaming

So I've been working on Active Dreaming, and encouraging my Dreaming self to be more open to receiving information/messages from the Dream.

The other night I had done some ritual preparation/energy work to that end, and as I was in the twilight state between wakefulness and sleep I thought I had accidentally struck myself in the face, but it turned out it to be a flash of contact of some kind.

It was so forceful it felt like a physical blow, and was over just as quickly. There was someone saying/yelling something, nd a feeling of impact from 'outside' or the 'other side', and a spot of coloured light (red/white/yellow I think) about the size of a silver dollar. It happened so fast I couldn't make out what was said. But it was quite shocking.
The impression I got was not negative or hostile from the encounter. It was more along the lines of a pickaxe trying to get through a wall, or a burst of information.

So, while I didn't have any remembered dreams the next night, my sister did.
She dreamed of being on board a plane in flight, and in a square white room around a square white table were her, her son, and two others. One with light hair and one with dark hair. Each was with an animal. On her right, her son, with a fish. Across from her was the light haired person with a skinned, but alive, rabbit, and on her left was the dark haired person with her cat. She had a lizard. She had killed and skinned the rabbit previously, which had returned to life, and she had been asking those with her what to do (as you can imagine she was somewhat concerned with the skinned rabbit returning to life, but it (the rabbit) forgave her, and this is when they all found themselves around the table. And they each had to come up with a word to complete something. The son's (fish) word was 'Alacrity'. The light haired person's (skinned rabbit) was 'compassion'. The dark haired person's (cat) was 'steadfastness'. But her word (lizard) She couldn't decide on before the dream ended. I found this dream absolutely fascinating, and simply pregnant with symbolism.

Apparently Morpheus has been hanging out with us.

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